Sunday, July 31, 2016

I watch so many of these Near Death Experience video's and they are all interesting because of what they can tell you about the afterlife.

This man's experiences are interesting because after he died from the jellyfish bite, he went to a very dark place that sounds a lot like hell. It was dark, cold and scary, an "evil presence, a pervasive atmosphere of evil." A voice tells him to shut up because he's in hell where he deserves to be. Pretty scary stuff. (At around 28 minutes). Don't worry, he does get called into the light eventually.

Before that he prays as he's in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. The words of the Lord's prayer appear before him and he experiences what that prayer really means. God shows him he has to forgive the man who threw him out of his taxi cab to die on the street, because he wasn't carrying any money. Forgive the stranger who left him to die. He prays with his inner man, as he says. Frankly, I'm not sure I've ever prayed with my inner person.

Also, it does make me worry that I have not forgiven Tom. I know I haven't. You can't live with a man who tells you he loves you for thirty-five years and is a good husband, except he's lying to you every day of that marriage and breaking his vows. All that time, he's lusting after other women behind my back. Lying is cold hearted and mean. Lying is the antitheses of respect and love. So we can write those two things off. Tom never loved me and never respected me. If God let him come back and confess to me because I'm supposed to forgive him, I'm going straight to hell because I don't forgive him for that and I never will. Never.

The truth is I've actually prayed to hate him, because I loved him so much that it's hard to accept how awful he was. I have to stand up for myself. I'm the injured party here. He never asked for my forgiveness. He once told me I'd ruined his life. For thirty-five years he took my love, my devotion and my heart and held them all in contempt, secretly in his heart, scorning me and my love.

I do pity him, because he ended up killing himself with cigarettes and bile. I'm sorry he had such a terrible life. But? And I do understand that he was afraid to love anyone. Very sad. Really. But. That doesn't give you the right to ruin someone else's life, to marry a woman, to take her love and hold it in contempt. That's very wrong, no matter why you do it.

In fact, I wonder if I didn't forgive him too much in life.

I have to laugh when I think of him reaching the other side. He seemed to think he was the long suffering party for having stuck it out being married to me. He must have been in for quite a surprise when he got the full picture. Not that I am a saint by any means, but who did he think he was that he could marry a woman, any woman, and lie to her? What arrogance to think that the rules about keeping his marriage vows didn't apply to him! Who the heck did he think he was?

He could be a real PR***, if you know what I mean. But of course, he was messed up and miserable.

In a lot of these NDE videos, the people say that they get to the other side and realize that what happens on earth doesn't matter. I think that must be just an initial sense of euphoria from being free from the cares of earthly life. I am quite sure that life here matters. God can't possibly be some entity who is indifferent to human suffering. If he were, we humans would be even worse than we are.

We are here for a reason. We have been created as who we are for a reason. Our actions are part of some great plan. That's why it's important to understand what happens here and why we have to be responsible for ourselves and our actions.

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